It seems that no matter how much time i commit to the pursuit of the perfect scenario, I am completely inept and dissapointingly unsuccessful at forging relationships that have a future. This is evidently more a malfunction within my circuitry than it is within any other system. That is just the same as saying "It's not you.... It's me." that hot coal of lameness,r ooted in the soil of truth. What is it that causes the draw-bridge to lower? All the lights are shining brightly at the start, I mean nothing but well, but then i am over taken by a foreign body that seems to think it knows what is best for me. I am no longer in the cock-pit with my hands on the controls. I am merely watching as someone ,that I don't recognise, hijacks me and puts sugar in my petrol and shits in my meringue just as i am sitting down to tuck-in with a freshly polished spoon. Maybe this masked hijacker is actually someone I know really well. Maybe the person is me and I am projecting all ...