
?Here i am, new and alone in a big town. Like Zzzzzzzzzorg just landed from a new galaxy. No water to swim in anywhere, only in the puddles, but they aren't deep enough to allow diving or bombing.
I have regressed.
My new life starts today, so hopefully, I will get to meet a few other space travellers. Everyone is young. Seemingly, really young, like 10 or something ridiculous. I feel like a pervert which isn;t far from the truth.
Segway. All the girls have blonde hair and look like they have been created (quickly in the dark) in a girl band factory and were all on a bus that had an accident with a make-up truck.
All the boys have spots and wispy facial hair and have clearly over-indulged on mars bars, sweating into their pillows and masturbation. Probably all at the same time. It's quite funny. When i grow my SKEEZY GINGER moustache, i will fit right in. I will be the king of facial hair and all the little pubescent boys will follow me around asking for advice about growth rates and styling tips. I will run things.
I went to a pub on my jack last night. It is the way forward. Sitting at the end of the bar nursing a pint, reading a newspaper, scattered with crisps, sucking pig bits til they soften, smiling longingly at everyone that comes in.
Tonight I am going to do the same but with a t-shirt that says LOSER on the front.


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