Me myself and eye

Acrylic on wood 30x30
I must have been looking at something, I can't remember what though. It can't have been that interesting, in fact, it was probably nothing at all. Does anything actually exist without me observing it?All these things around me are just momentary snaps of my consciousness. When I am not observing the material world everything is in existence in every and any and all possible forms. By opening my eyes and observing, I am choosing, minute by minute, to bring my actual life experience into manifestation. Does the world really exist without my direct imput or is the world, reality, just a soup made from possibilities of my consciousness? I am the creator. AM EYE GOD?


XXX said…
hey jimbo - this picture is amazing, your art has really come on a lot - i used to think it was shit! only kidding. i like you blog, you can look at mine if you like it's

it started off being a dream log, then i started adding in stories from work, my plan was to some how tie the m all up into a novel, but it never happened. don't bother reading the 'dear tam' one if you can access it (i'm hoping i set it so it's private), it's a lot of ramble, just venting x
XXX said…
ps it's tkm by the way!

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