23: Reflections on a mantlepiece

Millions of steps.
Millions of steps and you have ended up here. All those heart beats and breaths that galloped and stalled and bare-knuckle bouts with gravity. All those should haves and could haves and might have beens and longed for kisses that defied the dawn and you end up here? One foot from yourself. Phasing out under the sixty watt, with the door creak on your shoulder and stained-glass silhouette. One foot on the weave and one on the wood.
Is this it? Is this what you really look like? Is this how others see you?
Narrow and blinkless eyes, coal mine eyes, cold , mined eyes flirt with your face and survey the battlefield searching for survivors.
What brings you here? One foot from yourself.
What brings you here? All baggy-eyed and scarred.
Yeah, that's right, go on. Swallow your answer like a child in the window of a passing car.


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