
I cut my hand today. I pulled it open to see how deep it was. There was no blood. I think the veins were in shock momentarily, so I smacked my hands together to wake the whole area up and I started to leak milk. There was no blood.
I don't even drink milk. Where did it come from? I squeezed a few drops out and let them fall into my tea. It made the tea bubble with cumulonimbus. I used my finger to stir it up. It burnt.
Why Have I started to bleed milk? I am sure that for most of my life, the juice in my veins was red not white.
Is it cow's milk, or goats or breast? Semi-skimmed or full fat? I wonder if this is going to have an effect on my overall health.
Maybe I am one of the one in ten thousand people in the world with setus invercus. Having a heart on the right hand side as opposed to left. Maybe this move has happened overnight and the process of change has caused my blood (if I can still call it that), to turn into milk.
I wish I hadn't cut my hand.


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