
Showing posts from 2008

3irty wan

" Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho' We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. " -Tennyson


The power of true and just discernment. Enlightenment. Erudition. Insight. Knowledge. Prudence. Reason. Understanding. The other qualities are on the borderline, but can be increased by cultivation.


It was my Birthday yesterday. I walked, mainly uphill, to the Fan Pools. This lake has been here for four hundred million years. That got me to thinking about the insignificance of my life and indeed life in general. Not a great thought on your birthday. I stripped off and swam naked right out into the middle, or what I assumed was the middle. I waited. Treading water. It was so cold that my legs died. I think they were still working but I couldn't feel them at all. My head kept dropping below the surface and my chest felt really tight. It hurt. I couldn't swallow or make a noise and my thinking was slow.. It was then that I saw her, waist deep in the water. She was staring at me and holding her arms out towards me, beckoning me towards her. I swam, but I never reached the shore.


Stuck inside. Nothing happened . It rained

Mid to Late 20's

Thoughts of Le Corbusier

Quarks and Leptons

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a gigantic scientific instrument near Geneva, where it spans the border between Switzerland and France about 100 m underground. It is a particle accelerator used by physicists to study the smallest known particles – the fundamental building blocks of all things. It will revolutionise our understanding, from the minuscule world deep within atoms to the vastness of the Universe. Two beams of subatomic particles called 'hadrons' – either protons or lead ions – will travel in opposite directions inside the circular accelerator, gaining energy with every lap. Physicists will use the LHC to recreate the conditions just after the Big Bang, by colliding the two beams head-on at very high energy. Teams of physicists from around the world will analyse the particles created in the collisions using special detectors in a number of experiments dedicated to the LHC. There are many theories as to what will result from these collisions, but what's for su


Photoshop visualisation for an area within a proposed residential development on the outskirts of Cheltenham. The aim of the proposal was to create a fabric woven from landscape and townscape, to bring the landscape into towns attempting to create an environment that responds to the surrounding landscape of the area and provides a sense of place.Emphasis was placed on multi-functional green infrastructure networks that enhance the relationship between town and country. Meeting required new housing demands and simultaneously maximising access to landscape and encouraging biodiversity.


Jean Acrylic on board 84x59

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23: Reflections on a mantlepiece

Millions of steps. Millions of steps and you have ended up here. All those heart beats and breaths that galloped and stalled and bare-knuckle bouts with gravity. All those should haves and could haves and might have beens and longed for kisses that defied the dawn and you end up here? One foot from yourself. Phasing out under the sixty watt, with the door creak on your shoulder and stained-glass silhouette. One foot on the weave and one on the wood. Is this it? Is this what you really look like? Is this how others see you? Narrow and blinkless eyes, coal mine eyes, cold , mined eyes flirt with your face and survey the battlefield searching for survivors. What brings you here? One foot from yourself. What brings you here? All baggy-eyed and scarred. Yeah, that's right, go on. Swallow your answer like a child in the window of a passing car.


"Comprehension of the whole alone leads to discovery of the significant intercomplementary functions to be played by the parts." Bucky Fuller

van tay urn

Earlier this summer, flying home to Manchester from the Greek island of Kos, a pair of drunken women yelling “I need some fresh air” attacked the flight attendants with a vodka bottle and tried to wrestle the airplane’s emergency door open at 30,000 feet. The plane diverted hastily to Frankfurt, and the women were arrested.

Me myself and eye

Acrylic on wood 30x30 I must have been looking at something, I can't remember what though. It can't have been that interesting, in fact, it was probably nothing at all. Does anything actually exist without me observing it?All these things around me are just momentary snaps of my consciousness. When I am not observing the material world everything is in existence in every and any and all possible forms. By opening my eyes and observing, I am choosing, minute by minute, to bring my actual life experience into manifestation. Does the world really exist without my direct imput or is the world, reality, just a soup made from possibilities of my consciousness? I am the creator. AM EYE GOD?

On the way to Long Barrow Gloucestershire


Cheltenham Town Hall

Cheltenham Town Hall.


It seems that no matter how much time i commit to the pursuit of the perfect scenario, I am completely inept and dissapointingly unsuccessful at forging relationships that have a future. This is evidently more a malfunction within my circuitry than it is within any other system. That is just the same as saying "It's not you.... It's me." that hot coal of lameness,r ooted in the soil of truth. What is it that causes the draw-bridge to lower? All the lights are shining brightly at the start, I mean nothing but well, but then i am over taken by a foreign body that seems to think it knows what is best for me. I am no longer in the cock-pit with my hands on the controls. I am merely watching as someone ,that I don't recognise, hijacks me and puts sugar in my petrol and shits in my meringue just as i am sitting down to tuck-in with a freshly polished spoon. Maybe this masked hijacker is actually someone I know really well. Maybe the person is me and I am projecting all

